Vietnam 미래 대비 타운십 


: District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
개발 유형 : 타운십
총 유닛 수 : 4,300
부지 면적 : 64-ha

Saigon Sports City (SSC),는 케플랜드와 케플 어반 솔루션즈가 공동으로 개발한 64헥타르 규모의 종합 지구 커뮤니티 타운십으로, 베트남 호치민시 2지구의 주요 지역에 위치합니다.

베트남 최초의 종합 스포츠 중심 타운십으로 기획된 SSC는 스포츠, 엔터테인먼트, 쇼핑, 다이닝 등을 제공하는 원스톱 라이프스타일 허브와 워터프론트 불리바드, 다목적 타운 플라자 등 보행 친화적인 공공 공간을 비롯한 포괄적인 시설을 갖추고 있습니다. SSC는 활성적인 프로그래밍과 플레이스 메이킹을 통해 포용적이고 활기찬 대상지가 되기를 목표로 합니다.

SSC는 개발 전반에 걸쳐 자연 환경을 고려한 바이오플리크 디자인 원칙을 적용하여, 개발 지역 내 자연환경과 조화를 이루며 살기 좋은 녹색 환경을 조성합니다. 개발 내부에는 자연적인 통풍을 위한 크로스 벤틸레이션, 건물 사이 거리를 확보하여 자연광을 유입하는 넓은 공간, 푸른 식물로 가득한 실내식물원, 자연적인 여과를 위한 경치 좋은 물고기들이 사는 물의 특징 등이 포함됩니다.


Location : District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
Type of development : Township
No of Units : 4,300
Site Area : 64-ha

Saigon Sports City (SSC), a lighthouse project jointly developed by Keppel Land and Keppel Urban Solutions, is a 64-hectare integrated community-centric township situated in prime District 2 of HCMC, Vietnam.
Envisaged to be Vietnam’s first-of-its-kind sports-oriented township, SSC will feature comprehensive facilities such as a one-stop lifestyle hub for sports, entertainment, shopping and dining offerings, as well as pedestrian-friendly public spaces such as a waterfront boulevard and a multi-purpose town plaza. Through active programming and place making, SSC aims to be an inclusive, active and vibrant destination of choice.
SSC will adopt biophilic design principles including natural cross-ventilation throughout the development, generous space between buildings for natural light, a contiguous fitness circuit, lush landscaping with locally sourced flora and picturesque water features with natural filtration, to create a green and beautiful environment designed for living.


Location : District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
Type of development : Township
No of Units : 4,300
Site Area : 64-ha

Saigon Sports City (SSC), a lighthouse project jointly developed by Keppel Land and Keppel Urban Solutions, is a 64-hectare integrated community-centric township situated in prime District 2 of HCMC, Vietnam.

Envisaged to be Vietnam’s first-of-its-kind sports-oriented township, SSC will feature comprehensive facilities such as a one-stop lifestyle hub for sports, entertainment, shopping and dining offerings, as well as pedestrian-friendly public spaces such as a waterfront boulevard and a multi-purpose town plaza. Through active programming and place making, SSC aims to be an inclusive, active and vibrant destination of choice.

SSC will adopt biophilic design principles including natural cross-ventilation throughout the development, generous space between buildings for natural light, a contiguous fitness circuit, lush landscaping with locally sourced flora and picturesque water features with natural filtration, to create a green and beautiful environment designed for living.


Residential Area


Commercial Area


Sports Area


Wellness Area


Residential Area


Sports Area


Commercial Area


Wellness Area

오류: 문의 양식을 찾을 수 없습니다.


Helen Nguyen (Ms.)

* 전화번호: +84 906 741 539
(Kakao Talk, Whatsapp, Viber, LINE, Zalo)

* 이메일:

* 사무실: ERA Vietnam

  • 주소: 베트남 호치민시 빈탄 군 25 구역, 디엔빈푸 대로 561, 펄 플라자 2층 05-06호 유닛

Jointly developed by

Business license No. 0303062975 issued by Ho Chi Minh City Department of
Planning and Investment on March 5, 2009

HOTLINE: (+84)938-201-506
